Play - Knowledge - Journeys - Creativity - Learn

References and Resources I Find Interesting

Canadian Children – helped me to understand the 3 levels in child care advocacy.
Volume 40 Number 1 2015 [page 100 to 110]
ECEs as Childcare Advocates: Examining the Scope of Childcare Advocacy Carried Out by ECEs from the Perspective of Childcare Movement Actors in Ontario and Manitoba
by Lyndsay Macdonald, Brooke Richardson, and Rachel Langford

Empowering Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education – I feel connected to this amazing book in so many ways, – the content, the colourful bubble notes, a reflective moment, and professional case study reflection questions. The layout of the book is inviting which inspires me to continue my professional practice of learning, self improvement and growth to share with my children, families, co-workers, and NIC colleagues.

Deitze, B. & Kashin, D. (2016) Empowering Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education. Don Mills,      Ontario: Pearson Prentice Hall.

The Early Childhood Educator – Since August of 2019 I have been a member of ECEBC. I appreciate the 25 pages of columns, news, updates, and focus articles which are laid out in a clean design, printed in black and white on semi glossy paper. The articles are always interesting, relatable, and provide connection to my continuously learning. There are very few advertisements in the journal and when they do appear they are related to children, parents, and early childhood educator professionals development and education.

Early Childhood Educators of BC. (2020) The Early Childhood Educator – The Journal of Early        Childhood Educators of British Columbia, Winter 2020 Vol.35, No.1.

Peer Mentoring for Early Childhood Educators – Through research for my “Professional Resources – Journal Articles Assignment”, I came across the peer mentoring for early childhood educator article, which I found most interesting. An amazing project of peer-mentoring project facilitators supporting both new and experienced early childhood educators and providing ongoing professional development. Below is the direct link to the project followed by a video link with Dr Laura K. Doan.

Early Childhood Educators of BC. (2020) The Early Childhood Educator – The Journal of Early        Childhood Educators of British Columbia, Winter 2020 Vol.35, No.1. Peer Mentoring for Early Childhood Educators – Building Capacity and Leaving a Legacy.

Direct link to the project.  Retrieved from:

Early Childhood Educators of BC. (2020) E-News Letter – Supporting early childhood educators in a crisis. Dr Laura K. Doan (April 8, 2020. 7pm) presents – “How can early childhood educators support each other in a crisis?” Live via YouTube Premier.                                      Retrieved from:

The Evolution of Early Learning and Child Care in Canada – Learning about history always intrigues me.                                                                                                                                                          • 1857 – Grey Nuns operated “salle d’asile Saint Joseph

• 1873 – Toronto School Board established first kindergarten program
• 1926 – St. George’s School for Child Study established first nursery school                                  1942 World War Two
• 1942 – Government of Canada established cost sharing program with provinces
• 1946 –Government of Canada suspended cost-sharing program                                                              • 1950’s – Many women went back to traditional roles of mothers and housewives
• 1960 – All Canadian Women were allowed to vote
• 1966 –Government of Canada established the CAP program, which included child care for needy children and families
• 1970 – Royal Commission on the Status of Women called for a national daycare act                                      • 1970’s and 80’s – more women in Canada enter the workforce
•                                                                      . January 1977 Federal and provincial/territorial levels of government agreed to work together
• 1993 – Government of Canada had renewed pressure to establish a national child care strategy
• 1997 – The provincial and federal governments agreed to develop a strategy to recognize the importance of children and their well being                                                                                              • 1999 – February – The Social Union Framework Agreement signed (excluding Quebec)
• 2000 – The Early Childhood Development Agreement was signed                                                  June 2000 National Children’s Agenda released                                                                                        September 2000 Early Childhood Development Agreement signed
• 2002 – May – The United Nations declaration A World Fit for Children signed                                •2004 – A Canada Fit for Children national plan unveiled                                                                     April 2004 A Canada Fit for Children signed
• 2005 – Early learning and child care agreements-in-principle with federal and provincial governments signed

All history facts were retrieved from – NIC ECC 136 Power Point: Child Care History and Timeline, July 20, 2020

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